Friday, July 19, 2013

"The Big Idea"

I have a theory (kind of like how Channing Tatum has theories about moments... I could spend a moment letting him explain that one to me.) It's about "The Big Idea." When author J. K. Rowling was asked about her inspiration for Harry Potter, her response was: "It just came to me." It just came to her. A story of gargantuan proportions, worldwide fame, and the undying love of millions of fans JUST came to her?! The jealousy building up in my stomach makes me want to punch her in the face right before I shake her hand and tell her how much I adore her books.

As a writer, the thought of an idea just coming to you is not that uncommon. I see stories everywhere I look. In a history class, I read about how American families were forced to house British soldiers in their homes before the War for Independence; I see a story of forbidden love between the baker's daughter and the soldier who was pressured into the armed forces by his family. I see an old building on the side of the interstate; I think of a safe house during a zombie apocalypse.

However, these are hardly as impressive as the story of the Chosen One. I also understand that Harry Potter went through editor after editor to get where it is today. I understand that Rowling was a few years my senior when she wrote the story. But. From the moment that the story of Harry Potter took its first breath, it had potential to grow and be the story to beat. And six years after the Dealthy Hallow release, it still is the one to beat.

So here I sit, Summer of Twenty-Thirteen, waiting on my Big Idea. I realize it's a lot to ask for at eighteen. So I'd settle for a small flame of a story to keep my occupied. Or a spark. Or, good heavens, just a warm spot in this cold abyss! Woe. Is. Me.

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