Friday, July 19, 2013

Inspiring to Serve

Bbbrrrrinnnngggg. Wait for the second ring. Brrrrr- "Joann's Fabric and Craft store, this is Glennleigh speaking. How may I inspire you?"

The answer call of a true Joannian. We aren't actually required to answer the phone like that, but the happy employees do. Of course, there is the fair share of employees who work there simply to have a job, but many of them work there because they enjoy the atmosphere. My story is half and half. I needed a job to help pay for college, so when I was job searching, the crafter in me led me to Hobby Lobby and Joann's as my first options. 

Joann's hired me, then a little over a month later, Hobby Lobby hired me... But that's another story for another time. Once I got the hang of things at Joann's, I enjoyed working there. I like my employee discount, being surrounded by fabric, customers who asked for my opinion, coworkers who liked me. But the true reason I like Joann's was not because of what I could do for people there, it was because of what they did for me. 

Honestly, I've never had very much of a servant's heart. I've prayed for one, and yeah, for a couple of weeks, it stuck, but it was kind of an Elmer's-Glue kind of stick, not a hardcore-hot-glue kind of stick. But at Joann's when I walk through those sliding glass doors, my life no longer was about me; it was about my customers. I was put in a situation where I was forced to help people. Except instead of faking a smile, I had a real one on my face; these people appreciated my help. 

Now, I realize that I do make money- a whopping quarter aboveminimum wage- holla! But seriously, I also realized that going above and beyond just being nice to people made me feel wonderful! And it made them feel good too. 

I am supposed to be there to "inspire" people, but more than my customers know, they've inspired me. I'll admit that I'm not always "servant-minded," but I am a whole lot better than I used to be.

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