Thursday, July 18, 2013

For starters...

First off, Woe Is Me is not a blog for me to complain about the life I lead, because honestly, I have no reason to complain; I am healthy, educated, employed, loved, and happy. When I chose the name for this blog, I knew it might mislead people. The big, deep deciding factor that made me chose it anyway was the fact that when I typed it in, it was available. Beyond that, I was feeling a little Shakespearean, so thus, the name of my blog.

So now that I have explained what Woe Is Me is not, let me take a second to explain what Woe Is Me is. Today's date is July 18th and the year is 2013. I graduated high school about sixty days ago, and I start college in about forty days. The highlights of my summer have been working as much as I can at Joann's Craft and Fabric store ("How may I inspire you?"), going to the zoo, and crafting/sewing/painting like a pro. The lowlights of my summer may seem to contradict the highlights, but bare with me and I'll explain. Lowlights include lack of time with friends, lack of time with family, lack of motivation, and lack of creativity.

Let me pause here to explain something about myself. Me, I'm a writer. It's my passion; everywhere I look, I see stories, I see ideas, I see characters. I've completed about three of eighty-six stories lines- talk about crappy percentages- but nevertheless, it's what I do and what I hope to do in the future.

Refocusing on Summer Twenty-Thirteen, creativity and ideas for writing have completely dried up, which is a problem, in case you couldn't guess. I have racked my brain for hours, searching for that one story that I could run with. I've paced around my room until midnight, trying to find a spark for a story. I've forced myself to work on story lines I just felt were "okay ideas." However, nothing has really worked, which is about like banging my head against a wall for a couple hours every night.

I apologize for my babbling, but without further ado, I will now explain why I've created Woe Is Me. As I sink to the bottom of the barrel, I am desperate for anything to flow back on top. Here I will elaborate on ideas that come to mind, experiences that I have, passions I want to share, or anything that may pull from dark, hopeless pit of writer's block. Of course, things may seem a bit more dramatic than they should be, but that is because no story is successful without a healthy dosage of drama. No, I'm not really groveling around, completely unhappy with my life, screaming "woe is me!" during situations where things don't go my way. I use the phrase with a sarcastic connotation; I know people are in worse situations, but looking at mine with a sarcastically dramatic view reminds me to snap back to the reality that I am going to be FINE.

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